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Featured in the season’s must haves by The Hindu.

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Ben Barres| Hypatia | Tu Youyou | Ada Lovelace | Martine Bertereau | Rita Levi-Montalcini | Katherine Johnson | Nettie M. Stevens | Laura Bassi | Irène Joliot-Curie | Hedy Lamarr - Hedwig Eva Maria Kiesler | Maryam Mirzakhani 

Inkcredible Women in Science Wall Calendar 2020 | Limited Edition

Remember when you discovered something new? Be curious. Be inspired. The INKcredible-WIS Calendar will unveil, one month at a time, the personal journeys of 12 women pioneers in STEM.

Size: A4


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Sudipta Sendgupta |  Janaki Ammal | Asima Chatterjee | Bibha Chowdhury | Anna Mani |Irawati Karve | Rajeshwari Chatterjee | Suniti Solomon  | Anandi Joshi | Kadambini Ganguly  | Ritu Karidhal |Dr. Kamal Ranadive

Indian Women in Science Wall Calendar 2020 | Limited Edition

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Size: A4

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Eugenie Clarke | Anna Wessels Williams | Jane Goodall | Francoise Barre-Sinoussi | Linda Buck | Margaret Hamilton | Biruté Galdikas | Dian Fossey | Barbara McClintock | Amalie Emmy Noether  | Ynés Mexía | Christiane Nüsslein-Volhard

Women in Science Inspirations Wall Calendar 2020 | Limited Edition

12 remarkable women, 12 incredible journeys, 12 inspiring stories! Find a new source of motivation and encouragement each month through the WISInspirations Calendar 2020.

Size: A4